If you’re going to be selling organic items, you must make sure that it follows the USDA guidelines for these types of products. Once that’s done, you can then advertise what you’re selling as organic products. They’ve been becoming popular for a lot of people, and with even grocery stores selling it, it’s becoming better than ever. But you must understand that the USDA is a bit specific, almost picky about labeling and advertising this.
That’s because if it’s not fully advertised as organic and natural, and that the requirements aren’t met, it can be a problem. A lot of food companies take this quite seriously for a good reason, since if they don’t, they’ll be paying, in the form of a fine of course. By following this, it can prevent any label reprints, or even delays in product sales too.
Here, we’ll go over what you need to make sure that you do.
Check the Ingredients
- There are three types of ways to label these products.
- First is 100% organic, where there is nothing non-organic in it.
- If it’s organic, that’s only 95% organic, with the other 5% being items that are on a list that’s specified directly by the USDA itself.
- Finally, made with organic, which is 70% of the items being organic, which are on the national list if not organic otherwise. In general, nothing is made with no synthetic substances, and typically, it can be something that usually is very minimally processed.
Disclose the Certification
The information on the certification should appear directly on the label itself. If it says certified organic, make sure that it has the name of the agency too, and make sure if nothing else, and you can put the seal directly on there.
Show the Ingredients

Anything that’s organic or made with organic must definitely have the ingredient list on there, and of course what each one means. You need to do this, especially if labeling something that is 100% organic.
Verify the Correctness
Anything that’s certified organic needs to definitely have all of the claims on there verified as correct, such as showing the percentages along with the graphics, verifying any claims that the product is a certain perfect organic, and then also verifying that anything that’s made with organic is definitely also verified too.
When you claim this though, you definitely want to make sure you have a unified font that isn’t bolded or italicized at all, a font size that’s smaller a half font size than what’s on the front logo or panels, and of course you want the consistent font colors too.
Get the Stamp
Finally, make sure you get the stamp that proves this. You want to make sure that if there are changes you follow through with them, and once they meet the requirements, you will get the final approval.

While usually they’re sold a lot less than conventional types of food are due to the price, it definitely is getting a bit more popular to sell organic products. That’s why, you want to make sure that the labels are good and correct. If you’re not giving them that, then you’re not giving people the chance to truly enjoy the beauty and benefits of organic foods, and there is a lot that you can benefit from by having this.
Luckily, it’s pretty simple to do, and once you have it, you can be well on your way to making sure that you have all of the organic elements right then and there, and to really give the correct types of packaging.
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